Experimental Setup

Evaluation Metrics
  • Precision@K (PR@K)
  • \( PR@K = \frac{1}{|\mathbb{A}|}\sum_{a \in \mathbb{A}}\frac{\sum_{i < k}R_a(i)\in V_a}{\min (K, |v_a|)} \), where \(\mathbb{A}\) is the set of system faults, \(a\) is one fault in \(\mathbb{A}\), \(V_a\) is the real root causes of \(a\), \(R_a\) is the predicted root causes of \(a\), and \(i\) is the \(i\)-th predicted cause of \(R_a\)
  • Mean Average Precision@K (MAP@K)
  • \( MAP@K = \frac{1}{K|\mathbb{A}|} \sum_{a \in \mathbb{A}} \sum_{i\leq j\leq K} PR@j \)
  • Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
  • \( MRR@K = \frac{1}{|\mathbb{A}|}\sum_{a \in \mathbb{A}}\frac{1}{rank_{R_a}}\), where \(rank_{R_a}\) is the rank number of the first correctly predicted root cause for system fault \(a\).
Baseline Methods
Method Main Technique Online/Offline Time
PC Constrain-based independence test Offline 2003
DyNotears Dynamic Bayesian network Offline 2020
C-LSTM Nonlinear Granger causality Offline 2022
GOLEM Relaxation of Notears Offline 2020
REASON Interdependent graph neural networks Offline 2023
Nezha Multi-modal anomaly detection Offline 2023
MULAN Multi-modal causal structure learning Offline 2024
CORAL Incremental disentagled causal graph learning Online 2023

For detailed experimental results, please refer to the experiment section in our paper.